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Business Planning Services

It’s a fact - if you are in business, you need a business plan. The better the projection, the more likely your business will be a success. The Accounted team can help you think in depth about your business and bring clarity to planning for everything you want to achieve.

Business Planning with Accounted Chartered Accountants



We work closely with numerous clients in many different types of business. As a result, we understand many ambitions, plans and ways of working.


We help startups, young businesses and established enterprises to build effective, achievable business plans. We understand companies and business people, and we are on hand to help you formulate and achieve your goals.

What Do Our Business Planning Services Deliver?

At Accounted, we’re proud of how we take the time to get to know our clients and their businesses. Based on our relationships with clients, we can build financial plans which are robust, achievable and in line with what business owners want.
Our fully qualified team brings extensive experience to business planning for clients at different stages of their business development.



You will find Accounted to be an invaluable partner for business planning, whether you are:

  • Starting a completely new business (see our Get Up and Grow™ guide).

  • Moving to the next stage of an established business.

  • Exploring routes for selling or exiting your business.

Our business planning services will help you to:

  • Set out trading milestones

  • Project your income and expenditure

  • Maximise tax efficiency

  • Work out your personal financial needs

  • Check your progress

  • Forecast next steps

  • Adjust plans as needed

We will work with you to decide on the right business planning cycle for your business. For example:

  • Write a 3-5 year business plan.

  • Give detailed plans and projections for six months ahead.

  • Plan in less detail for the following 12 months.

  • Broad plans for 12 months after that.

  • Outline to end of business plan.

Within the planning cycle, you need regular reviews.
For example:

  • Quarterly reviews, including:

    • Progress check against the plan.

    • Revisions and amendments to the original plan, according to results and external factors.

  • At least six months preceding the end of the planning cycle, prepare for the next 3-5 year plan

Why Is Business Planning Important?


If you want to build a business that lasts for your working life and beyond (perhaps for your children to follow in your footsteps), you need to think differently. But, again, it's all about perspective.


In all cases, you need a well-thought-out plan with enough financial detail to give you a real chance of success. 


A clear road map can regularly assess how you're doing. For example, you can decide whether your plans need modifying or completely revising by checking your progress. 


Accounted can help you navigate through multiple business planning scenarios. Get in touch now to give your business the most robust prospects for the future.


What Is In A Business Plan?


Our Accounted team understands that all business plans must be tailor-made for each client. However, they do need to cover a range of essential elements.
We can advise you on best practices for creating business plans that will stand up to scrutiny from stakeholders in the business (including employees), banks and potential investors. 
You may also like to see’s pages on Writing a Business Plan.

Core elements of a business plan:

  • Main business objectives

  • Mission statement

  • Keys to success

  • Industry and market analysis

  • Competitor review

  • Marketing plans

  • Team structure

  • Financial projections, including cash flow

  • Tax position

  • Funding requirements

Working With Accounted

We have seven branches in Mayfair, the City of London, with qualified specialists in business planning for different sectors throughout our network. 

  • Our clients benefit from all our specialist knowledge. Contact us for a friendly, informal, no-obligation consultation to start your business planning process.


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